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Thursday, 4 June 2015

Learning Goal

My learning goal is to put in punctuation mostly to make the text come to life the main one I am working on though is these are the ones I need to work on putting in my writing some not all the time and in the right places !?’(),*

Thunder Birds Are Go Episode 2 Stop The Train?
One day a team made up it was called Thunder birds. They rescue the world when it is in need.
Thunderbird 2 there is a problem with a train it’s going the speed of lightning.
We can’t stop it thunderbird 2 can’t catch up with it we don’t have enough speed!!!
We need a longer grapple to reach the train replies brainy.
Then we could get thunderbird 5 to  come pick us up because he has a bigger grapple.
Ok good idea then we will be able to catch up with the train.
caling thunderbird 5 can you pick us up to reach the train but why can’t thunderbird 2 reach because were running out of ful.
‘Any other reasons’ ‘yes’ ‘ok’ ‘what is it this time’ ‘we don’t have a big enough grapple so we can reach the the train’.
Alright I’m on the way just try keep near the train so I can find where you are. Ok on it.

Are you here. Mabie. No time to be silly we need to know where you are to save that train. ‘Actually I don’t know where I am’. then todaloos to the train’. ‘But I really don’t know’. ‘Yes you do’. but I really don’t know!!! Ok there may be a problem the train just bloow up and hit the other train and the other train bloow up like fire works. Bam Boom Smash Crash bang Bang. There it goes. Mission failure you're fired!!! But there's a chance of getting back in but next failure you're out of the team. Is that clear. YES!!!   

1 comment:

  1. Nice kayden that was very interesting is there another story like that?
