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Thursday, 28 August 2014

cross country

 Cross Country Poem

Cross country
Racing as fast as an
Office Chasing a burglar   
Speeding so fast its like
Sailing a speeding super fast boat
Crossing a enormous track
Onto the speedway
Unless you cross the wrong track
Never stop only if you need a break
Track down every tireless
Racers so
You don’t get tired or lose

Monday, 4 August 2014

term 3 goals

Term 3 goals
I want to get a goal by the end of this season.
I need to get 10/10 in  quick ten because I’ll get better and smarter.
Jump Jam
To get all the moves at the same time as the instructor.

getting to know me

  Kayden getting to know me
My favourite subject at school is art because it helps my own learning
My favourite activity after school is  shots because I’m good at mini ball
My best friends are Cooper G  because he is a nice friend  
The easiest thing at school is reading because there is a lot of easy words
thing I have to work the hardest at school is zentangle because you have to focus really hard
My favorite thing to read about is exploring because you explore new worlds
My favorite possession is My dog because he always helps me if I’m heart
what I hope I get for my next birthday is 200$ because I’ll be rich
the best thing my family does together is fun because we all think it’s awesome and funny
I wish I had more money because  I can get lots of things
The thing I want to change the most about school is games because they are all math or literacy

The thing I want to change the most at home is my bedroom because it will have more sport gear