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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Pa Sites

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This is me on Friday the 5th of December when we were playing a board game called stacker. The people who came are Nanna, other Nanna, Grandad, Mum and me.
The rules are you have to make a word from each color blue and pink. If it's a word you put it on your board and if it's not a word you put it back.

They were here because they wanted to see our pa sites and here is a photo.
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Thursday, 27 November 2014

Pa site

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This is us at Puke araiki looking at a model of a pa site with a river surrounding the pa site.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

koru pa site

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This is from koru pa site. We          walked through the pa site and inside there is lots of layers at the top is the chief  and the less                       important people are down bottom. They make wholes to store there food.  

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


This fraction is two thirds of us are  wearing a taranaki t-shirts

Monday, 20 October 2014


     Trees storks branches
   soggy damp silver ferns
       stones koru leafs
      sticky cylinder logs
  kawa kawa heart shape leaf


Sunday, 19 October 2014

Student Led Conference

 Student Led Conference
This week is student led conferences.
I feel quite nervous scared and afraid.
I feel like I don’t even want to go.
I hope I impress my mum and dad.
I hope I don’t embarrass myself in front of mum and dad.
I would like it if they liked all the work I have done in class like room 9 super city because it took a long time to finish.
When I show them round I hope I answer correct or I will  muddle it up.
When it’s finished I will say "did you like it."

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

lost in the city

           Lost In The City
One terrible pouring down day I got lost in the city.
I was terribly afraid .
There was some lightning that struck right in front of me.

I just about fainted right after it struck! After that I felt miserable.

I had no money - no anything except the clothes on my back.
I saw a lot of arms coming to me I felt scared  so I thought I was brave enough so the arms missed.
Then I saw lots blinking lights and wobbling shadows of trees so I got afraid.
There was lots of sharp points coming towards me I thought I could jump out, but I got trapped too early so I rolled out to survive and I made it out.
But then I fell in a drain I got scared because there there was lots of squeaking mice so I ran and ran and ran because I was so terrified I had to run. There was lots of alligators. So that made me even more scared.
But they were in the sewer.
So I escaped from the drain then I found a bike and I, biked around the city and found the right building. Then I saw mum wave out the window on the top to right on the building.            

Thursday, 28 August 2014

cross country

 Cross Country Poem

Cross country
Racing as fast as an
Office Chasing a burglar   
Speeding so fast its like
Sailing a speeding super fast boat
Crossing a enormous track
Onto the speedway
Unless you cross the wrong track
Never stop only if you need a break
Track down every tireless
Racers so
You don’t get tired or lose

Monday, 4 August 2014

term 3 goals

Term 3 goals
I want to get a goal by the end of this season.
I need to get 10/10 in  quick ten because I’ll get better and smarter.
Jump Jam
To get all the moves at the same time as the instructor.

getting to know me

  Kayden getting to know me
My favourite subject at school is art because it helps my own learning
My favourite activity after school is  shots because I’m good at mini ball
My best friends are Cooper G  because he is a nice friend  
The easiest thing at school is reading because there is a lot of easy words
thing I have to work the hardest at school is zentangle because you have to focus really hard
My favorite thing to read about is exploring because you explore new worlds
My favorite possession is My dog because he always helps me if I’m heart
what I hope I get for my next birthday is 200$ because I’ll be rich
the best thing my family does together is fun because we all think it’s awesome and funny
I wish I had more money because  I can get lots of things
The thing I want to change the most about school is games because they are all math or literacy

The thing I want to change the most at home is my bedroom because it will have more sport gear